"I'm tired of everyone I know, of everyone I see on the street and on TV.
I hate them all, I hate them all, I hate myself for hating them
So drink some more, I'll love them all
I'll drink even more, I'll hate them even more than I did before..."
"Right, wrong, what to do?
Someday it will come to you..."

"Countless odd religions too
It doesn't matter which you choose
One stubborn way to turn your back
This I've tried, and now refuse..."
"Well I don't feel better
When I'm fucking around
And I don't write better
When I'm stuck in the ground
So don't teach me a lesson
Cause I've already learned
Yeah the sun will be shining
And my children will burn..."
"Oh no, my feelings are more important than yours.
Oh, drop dead, I don't care, I won't worry.
Let it go..."
Vídeo de Heart in a Cage.
Será um concerto foda! Strokes fazem o primeiro show da turnê de First Impressions of Earth em casa. O cd, com 14 músicas, não tem absolutamente nada a ver com os dois álbuns anteriores, você consegue dançar, cantar, chorar, gritar do começo ao fim. Só Juicebox que é chatinha.
Eu vou cedo para o Hammerstein Ballroom para pegar lugar na frente do palco, gritar as letras, me chacoalhar e fotografar os caras. Quem abre o show é Eagles of the Death Metal, que eu não conheço.
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