segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2007

União gay em New Jersey \O/

Bom, agora em New Jersey é permitido união de casais do mesmo sexo. Que é um nome fancy para casamento cívil. O mais incrível de tudo isso não é o passo que a humanida dá em direção a evolução social e contra a era das cavernas na qual nos vivemos, e sim o fato de que um jornal que se auto-intitula "livre e independente" chama a matéria utilizando preconceito.

Simplesmente incrível! A humanidade está perdida e depois eu tenho um ataque de pessoas-fobia no cinema e os outros olham para mim como se eu estivesse errada, tsc, tsc, tsc...

"Yay! Good News For Gays (and FOGs: Friends of Gays)

Believe it or not, New Jersey has surpassed New York in forward thinking, in tolerance and, in all likelihood, in window dressings. As of 12:01 a.m. this Monday, the state permits civil unions for same-sex couples. And though many are disappointed with this label (which only shares one letter with the word marriage!), this step forward was no easy feat. The hard work of certain lobbyists propelled the issue before the State Supreme Court, which ruled that New Jersey’s domestic partnership laws were not quite up to par. The court ordered the State Legislature to create a law that would extend the same rights and benefits to same-sex couples as to opposite-sex ones and voila—civil unions, a right that is lacking only in its terminology. But not to worry New Yorkers, Massachusetts—the state of the Puritans—is far ahead of both the Big Apple and the Garden State, allowing actual gay marriages, which is pretty much just like what mom and dad used to have before the divorce. In any case, we know a certain someone who must be very happy (see picture)."


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