quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2007

The tooth fairy...

...or, How amazing typing in bed is. A new Vanessa's discovery series.

It's amazing how the wordpress design is totally different if you are using a MAC! Well, obviously I wasn't going to write anything about the wordpress design tonight. But that's exactly how my brain works. ADD or not, it's in English now, because I'm using the Sick Sick Little Moo Cow's MAC and the punctuation marks suck in this platform. Let's start again:

I'm enjoining an undetermined vacation period. It's complicated and I'll save you the trouble. It's enough to say that besides resting a lot, I'm also looking for another job. It's that kind of time in your life when although you are totally entitled to a vacation, you cannot enjoy it because you are worried about not having a job. This is, the phrase in the beginning of this paragraph is a lie.

What I'm trying to do not to freak out completely is design a healthy schedule. I have to find time to clean the house, unpack, sleep, ride my bicycle, read, watch What About Brian, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, Lost, BSG, look for a job, visit all the people I love and I couldn't see for the past year because I was too busy working, have fun with my friends and take to boyfriends to the hospital, among others.

Then, I don't do any of the above, get crazy because I have no time, and cry. I'm such a woman sometimes...

Well, the "taking the boyfriend to the hospital" one was an unfortunate bonus. I'm glad it's over. Ro had this rotten tooth and he skipped the root canal sessions a couple of years ago and the result is he couldn't sleep with the pain... So, we took him to the beautiful New Jersey Medical and Dentistry School Hospital, a horrible idea I had, and sited at the waiting room for about two hours.

It's amazing how much Newark is close to became this huge favela. All the hospitals, public and private, are exactly the Mario Gatti, in Campinas. I haven't got the pleasure to visit any public hospitals in Brazil really, but I watched TV. The same chaos. Drunk people, beaten people, shot people, all kinds of weird people, people with real problems and all the lazy ones, altogether.

Of course, because of our skin color, no one would ever see us. So, we left.

The problem was only solved the next afternoon, when I took him to my dentist. Sometimes I think I really hope she had taken his tooth out. Because of the irresponsibility, you know... Seriously, two years waiting for the root canal? Or was he waiting for the tooth to fall and give it to the fairy? I'm mean! She saved his tooth and he will have to get back there for more a couple of sessions.

So, that was not fun. I mean, not that she saved his tooth, only the day. Horrible. Boring. And I managed to lock myself out of the house and waited for him for like two hours. Just sucked.

(If you are wondering if I'm going somewhere with this, the answer is no. I'm not going anywhere, I'm just enjoying writing siting on my bad. This laptop thing still amazes me. So, move along...)

I'll probably be writing about my list of chores and all the unimportant things I've been thinking about in the next few posts.

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