terça-feira, 19 de setembro de 2006


Já que a onda da vez é encontrar fulaninho, nestas rodas de discussão "intelectual", falando com empolgação sobre o filme "Brick" e competindo com o colega ao lado, como quem tem cinco anos de idade, para ver quem entendeu melhor ou sacou o mistério mais rápido, eu venho acabar com a graça do povo (provavelmente acabar só com a minha graça, já que sou a única frequentadora deste endereço eletrônico), e dizer que todo o hype em cima do filme é bobagem e que a história tão discutida é cretina. (Cretina, não fosse a forma como foi contada, entendam bem...)

Brick, é um filme que foi mostrado em Sundance no ano passado, virou hype. Um tempo depois foi bem alterado, passou por regravações e antes de sair em DVD você já não tem mais o produto final que fez sucesso no festival de cinema de Utha, que hoje é completamente over-rated.

E fala sobre o quê? Brick é uma realidade alternativa, uma história de gente grande encenada por crianças de high-school. Com diálogo surreal (Fala sério, ninguém conversa daquela forma!), contada de uma maneira não-linear, extremamente piacada e confusa. Os mistérios não são revelados nem nos extras do DVD, estratégia que faz o povo comentar mais tarde, já que todo mundo precisa ver detalhadamente o que aconteceu. Aquela história de que, pra bom entendedor um pingo é letra, não existe. Ou não exite bom entendedor nesta rodas. Vai saber...

Eu contaria Brick para um amigo que nunca assistiu o filme da seguinte maneira: "É mais uma história de uma menina que fica perdida no mundo, acaba viciada em droga e se torna a oportunidade prefeita para outra se livrar de um problema. É usada como escudo em meio a um tiroteio."

Ponto final. Para que discutir mais que isso?

Mas, como eu não tenho amigos que não assistiram Brick, eu resolvi colocar os eventos em ordem (ó, falta do que fazer que me assola! I wish!) e tentar entender o porquê de tanta discussão. Que tema nobra é esse que merece tanto tempo perdido?

Lá vai: Emily namora Brendan. Aos 15 anos de idade tudo acaba ficando entediante depois de um tempo, ela cansa do namorado certinho e se separa dele. Decide que vai mudar sua vida e andar com the coolest crowd at school. Then, she finds out she is pregnant. She tells Brendan, who still loves her and, apparently, has no life or family, and the guy goes mad. He wants her back, but she is having fun with her new friends.

The new friends are Laura and Brad. Laura is a very disturbed person, gets jealous of Emily with Brad and makes it look cool if you use drugs. Heroine or cocaine, anything… As long as you are a junky, you are cool. Emily, another empty-headed blonde, starts using coke and, of course, loses track of everything in life.

She then meets The Pin, who is nobody, but the small town’s dealer, and falls in love with his bodyguard, Tug. It’s an easier way to get dope, if you are closer to the dealer. She is now so addicted that she sleeps with everyone. Not only Tug fucks her regularly, but Dode does it too.

Dode is just a kid who hangs out with other junkies. You know, the poorer kind of junky? But, he too falls in love with Emily. (It’s what I call, “what is it that Emily has that is so good or why do guys love stupid and shallow girls? Or, yet, Emily Ravin, really?”) Anyhow, both of them are screwing her now. And they do think they are unique.

Emily, three months later, starts to show the pregnancy. She remembers she has to do something about it. She calls Laura, schedules a visit to a butcher (who, in their own mind would do an abortion on the third month of pregnancy?), and they decide to go together, this way, none of the guys would know she is pregnant. Emily tells Brendan what she is going to do (when they are talking at his lunch place). But, she never has the chance to do it. Brendan asks her to not go, to be with him, "everything will be allright" bullshit. She leaves anyway.

In parallel, there are a lot of other things happening. But, Emily is too high to notice anything. (“High, high as the sky. Low, low as it goes” – Como na música do Rapture). Laura is so jealous of her, of how everybody loves her, of how charming she is, that she uses Emily to cover for her.

The Pin just bought ten bricks of coke (or heroine, whatever), and he is selling it fast. Laura stills two of them for whatever reason. But, The Pin gets real mad and decides he is going to find out who did it and kill the person. Laura puts the bricks back, but one of them goes bad. (I’m not a junky, I have no idea how coke goes bad or how did she add the detergent… Or she just did it in spite and had it all planned. Which I doubt it, it’s too clever for a 15 year-old girl).

Frisco takes a bite at the brick that went bad (Tá demais isso? O Frisco usa o pó que está com veneno, ok?) and end up in a coma. The Pin gets even crazier about the whole situation. Not only someone stole his stash, but brought it back bad. He is going to get caught. Now he will look for the responsible.

Laura sees an opportunity to incriminate Emily. The girl is hooked, she totally lost it, she is acting weird and she is going out with the trash junkies, Dode’s friends. Instead of telling the truth, that Emily is confused with the pregnancy, she gives away indication that Emily is the one who took the two bricks.

At the same time, she tells Tug that Emily is pregnant and gives him reason to think it’s Dode’s child. Tug set up a meeting with Em, to talk to her and ask who the fuck is the child’s father. Em says it’s not him, but she does not say it’s Brendan’s child otherwise, Tug will kill Brendan. Tug asks if it’s Dode’s, Emily denies it saying only she does not love the father. Tug gets mad and kills her.

Brendan wants to know where Emily is, he wants to see her and ask her to not to have the abortion. Little he knows she is dead. He finds her body eventually and moves it. He is so mad that the mother of his child (How lame!) is dead he decides to find out who did it and why.

That’s the reason for all the things that you see in the movie: someone killed the mother of his unborn child.

He infiltrates The Pin’s connections and ends up friends with him. He finds out Tug killed Emily. He does nothing. He knows there is much more than passionate crime going on there. He sees Tug kill Dode and he knows Tug has no reasoning thinking. The guy gets mad and kills people. That’s what he does. It’s brute force, como diz o Romulo.

He sets up The Pin and Dode, so they kill each other and the police could arrest everybody and find Emily’s body in the same house. And he discovers Laura set Emily up, he figures out everything, how Laura is thinking, and writes a letter to the school’s vice-principal, telling him Laura has part of the last brick inside her locker.

The girl is arrested.

You see, it’s stupid! Although, you never see anyone using any kind of drug in the whole movie, it’s a story about addicted people, about people screwing other people up. It’s a story where a person who is able to think - Brendan. The thinker is the winner. That’s it.

Little signs gives out Lauras intentions. The signs in the cigarrets, her admiration for Brendan, for the love he has for Emily. Nothing new...

Now we can change the subject.

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